The language of digital text and its creative elements: a reading of the textual structure and aesthetic dimensions


  • ismabdj bdj university of msila


Interactive literature, structure, literary text, creator, recipient


Digital literature is one of the new outcomes that has benefited from the scientific development taking place at the technological level. The latter led to the transition of the literary phenomenon from oral to writing and then to the image. Digital (interactive) literature thus presented us with new aesthetic standards that affected its formal and formal structure and its artistic, aesthetic, and thematic substitutions. Digital literature also gave us the characteristic of multiple creators, collective authorship of digital text, and multiple links. Which in turn leads to a multiplicity of texts according to the recipients’ choices. Based on the above, this research paper attempts to answer the following questions: Is it possible to research the literaryness of literature in these interconnected and interactive texts? What are the most important technical, aesthetic, and thematic criteria for digital literature? Is everything written on the Internet and all electronic media considered interactive literature?


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How to Cite

bdj, ismabdj. (2025). The language of digital text and its creative elements: a reading of the textual structure and aesthetic dimensions. LANGUAGE ART, 10(1). Retrieved from

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