The Impact of E-Learning on Enhancing Academic Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities: a Review of Previous Studies
کلمات کلیدی:
E-learning, Learning Disabilities, Students, Academic Performance, Previous Studiesچکیده
This research paper presents a comprehensive review of previous studies examining the impact of e-learning on the academic performance of students with learning disabilities. Drawing upon a robust body of research, we investigate the theoretical foundations of e-learning, its methodological nuances, and its potential to address specific learning disabilities. Previous studies have consistently demonstrated the adaptability and inclusivity of e-learning, showcasing its ability to cater to diverse learning needs. Through empirical evidence, we illuminate the positive outcomes of e-learning interventions, including enhanced academic performance, increased motivation, and improved self-confidence among students with learning disabilities. This synthesis of previous research underscores the transformative potential of e-learning in revolutionizing education for this demographic, fostering inclusivity, and advancing equity in learning environments.مراجع
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حق نشر 2024 Hamdi Bacha Yasmine, Benseghir Karima
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