A Phonemic Description of Prosodic Meters of Classical Persian Poetry Based on General Phonetics Theory


  • مریم نورنمایی M.A. General Linguistics, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • جلال رحیمیان استاد بخش زبان‌های خارجی و زبان‌شناسی، دانشگاه شیراز




Prosodic Quantities, Moras of Persian Language, the Vowels of Prosodic Poetry.


The aim of phonemic description of prosodic meters of classical Persian poetry was applying the theoretical framework of General Phonetics in: 1. Describing the prosodic meters, 2. Indicating the phonemic differences between prosodic poetry and Standard Persian language, 3. Investigating the changes of phonemes and syllabic patterns before and after applying prosodic meters on their syllabic segmentations. Therefore, some verses with prosodic meters have been selected randomly, and their syllabic segmentations have been indicated before and after applying prosodic meters on them. Regarding the structures of the syllabic patterns of Persian language, the results indicated clear differences in the syllabic patterns of prosodic meters of Persian poetry. 1. The number of prosodic quantities is lower than that of Standard Persian language considering type of meter, 2. the behaviors of vowels and consonants in prosodic poetry differ from the behaviors of vowels and consonants in Standard Persian language extensively; consonants can be solely presented as a prosodic quantity, and none of the Persian vowels have a fixed length in the context of prosodic poetry.

Author Biography

مریم نورنمایی, M.A. General Linguistics, Shiraz University, Iran.

MA of General Linguistic

BA English Translation

Member of Iranian Translators and Interpreters Association


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How to Cite

نورنمایی م., & رحیمیان ج. (2016). A Phonemic Description of Prosodic Meters of Classical Persian Poetry Based on General Phonetics Theory. LANGUAGE ART, 1(1), 21–36. https://doi.org/10.22046/LA.2016.02

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