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Контрольный список подготовки материала к отправке

В качестве одного из этапов процесса отправки авторы должны проверить соответствие их материала всем следующим пунктам, материалы могут быть возвращены авторам, если они не соответствуют этим требованиям.

Руководство для авторов

International multilingual scientific journal of Language Art (LA) is an open access and double-blind peer reviewed journal which is published four times a year. Usual review time is 45 days and there is no fee for electronic publishing. Language Arts is the name given to the study and improvement of the arts of language. Traditionally, the primary division in language arts is Literature and Language, where Language in this case, refers to both Linguistics, and specific languages. Journal of Language Art invites professional (applied) linguists and language researchers to submit their scholarly papers to LA.

Guideline for Authors

Articles Submission

The international scientific journal of Language Art accepts the researches of authors on Language and Linguistics in the form of articles and reports. The length of the reports should be normally between 1500 and 2500 words, and the normal length of the articles is about 2500 to 5000 words.

The language of the manuscript can be optionally English, Arabic, Persian, French, Tajik, or Russian.

In spite of the language of the manuscript, article or report, they should consist of title, abstract, key words as well as the characteristics of the author(s) in English.

The forwarded content will be ultimately reviewed primarily in 10 days so that in the case of being appropriate, it is sent for being reviewed, and the primarily acceptance will be declared to the author.

The time for reviewing and declaration the final results is ultimately 3 months.

The forwarded articles should not be sent for other journals simultaneously, or it should not be published in other journal.

Since the articles exclusively accept electronically and through the site of the journal, the author(s) should first register as user in the site and for sending the article and the subsequent following should refer to http://www.languageart.ir.

The forwarded article can be the result of the research of the authors or their translation.

Translated articles would be accepted only if the PDF file of the original article (as the attached file) be forwarded to the editorial boards, and the translation refers to the original article.

The Principles of Reviewing Articles

  • The received articles will be published after reviewing in the preliminary commission, it will be sent for the reviewing procedure; when it is approved by the reviewers.
  • Language Art has reserved the right for editing the accepted articles.
  • This article will be published open access both in paper and electronically.  
  • No expense is received from the authors for the electronic articles, but some amount will be received for paper articles.
  • The authors should observe the moral issues in doing the research and writing the article.
  • In the case that a conducted research has been supported by an organization, the name of that organization should be mentioned.

General Writing Style and Sending Guidelines for Articles or Reports

  • The Sender of the article is considered as the mediator for doing all the affairs related to the journal, and all the later correspondence and declaration will be done with him/her. The order of writing the names of authors and identifying the corresponding author take place according to the order of the presented files to the journal.
  • The structure of the article should be as follow:

a. Title; Since title is the most important factors for searching machines, please select if carefully. A good title is usually between 10-12 words in which the type of the studied work or the discussing technology (method) should be included.

b. Abstract; It is a text containing 100-250 words which states the importance of the topic theoretically or practically, the method of the research, the results and the conclusion.

Note: Abstract does not include introduction at all, and it is not considered as an introduction to the article. It should be able to state the most important information of the article in the shortest way. Actually, it is the introductory of your article. Do not refer to any work in the abstract.

c. Key words; It should include at least 3 to 7 words in maximum.

Note: Title, abstract, and key words should translate into English very accurately and fluently.

Note: The main part of the article consists of introduction (which includes review literature, purposes, introducing references and the topic), the main body (It can include only the main body of the article or it can be divided into separate parts by subtitles), the conclusion (which obviously states the results of the research), and the acknowledgement (according to the discretionary of the author in at most 3 lines).

d. References; In-text citations should be written in parentheses including author's last name year published, page number; for instance, (Khanlari 1375, 61). Please pay much attention to write in-text citation and references because it is one of the most important parts which will be discussed by the journal experts or the article may not be accepted (The method of citing sources should be in accordance with Harvard Referencing Guide which it can be considered through http://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing).

e. Cover Page; This page should be both written in the original language of the article and in English which includes full name, academic degree, major or expertise, name of the university, city, country, e-mail, phone number, and also the order of authors' names (Corresponding author should be written first).

The format of the accepted file should be written in Word Version 2007. The whole body of the article would be in one column with the margin of 2.54 cm (1.00 Inch) in all sides with the size of A4. The size of the font should be 14 for all languages, type of the font for Persian is BNazanin, for Arabic is Arabic typesetting, for English, Russian and French is Times New Roman and for Tajik is Times New Roman Tj. Line spacing should be 1 cm (0.39 Inch) for all parts of the article. There should be no spacing before and after paragraphs. It is necessary to write the description of shapes, tables, and charts certainly in English without considering the original language of the paper, but according to the discretionary of the author, it can be written both in the original language and English.

Заявление о конфиденциальности

Имена и адреса электронной почты, введенные на этом сайте журнала, будут использоваться исключительно для заявленных целей этого журнала и не будут доступны для каких-либо других целей или для любой другой стороны.